
Staff Training Notes

● Conservative, business suits only! 



● Always smile when on the phone! 

● Only let the phone ring max twice.

● Answering the phone

○ An example greeting, “Thank you for calling Next Generation Dental, your name speaking, how may I help you today?”

○ Ask, “Are you an existing patient or a new patient?”

○ Get patients name, first and last, their address, and insurance information.

● Take a log of every phone call, these will be reviewed at the end of the day. 

● Call patients to remind them of appointments ahead of time.

○ An example, “Mr. / Mrs. Name, this is a courtesy phone call from Next Generation Dental to confirm your appointment on… 



● Types 

○ Consultation (free) 

○ Exam, cleaning and x ray

○ Emergency (always taken that day, ex. Any tooth pain, etc…)

● Each appointment is one hour long. 

● Cancellation policy- must cancel 48 hours in advance / two business days, otherwise patients are charged a $100 fee.

● Check to see if a patient has a balance, if so they must pay.

● File a claim/bill with insurance company (if applicable) and give the patient a printed copy of this receipt.


All Patients 

● Always greet a patient 

○ Example, “hello, how are you Mr. / Mrs. Name?” 

○ Have a smile and be friendly.

○ Present yourself.

○ Small talk, example “how was your trip? Did you find us easily? May I help you with your jacket or coat?

● Make them feel as comfortable as possible, offer a bottle of water, warm towel, and ask them if there is anything you can do to make their visit more enjoyable. 

● Make sure files are complete, forms signed, copy of credit card and insurance information.

● For insurance, know the primary holder, their member id #, name, birthday, and social security #.

● After services get payment from patient.

● Say goodbye to patient, complement them, and smile!

○ Example, “We need more good people like you”, “How can we get more great patients like you?” 


*1 patient brings in 3 new patients* 


New Patients 

● On the Phone 

○ When first talking to a new patient, tell them that we love new patients and are excited about their business! (smile) 

○ Ask them how they found out about us?

■ Internet, insurance company, friend, etc… 

■ If it is through a friend, ask patients name, so we can personally thank them for this new contact with a letter and gift.

○ Ask why they are making the appointment? / Their purpose for 

calling our office. 

○ When a new patient makes an appointment, get their first and last 

name, their address, phone number, and insurance information. 

● Mail 

○ Mail a new patient a welcome letter, personally signed by you. 

○ Also, send directions, to make it easier to find us when it comes time for their appointment.

● Arriving at the Office 

○ Greet the patient (smile!) 

○ For new patients get a photo id.

○ Ask how they will pay, and get a copy of a credit card for security purposes.

○ Have them read and fill out the forms. Get signatures – Don’t forget HIPPA form and Cancellation Policy form, these need to be signed!!!

● Tour of the Office 

○ Give a tour of the office, this is time to brag about the office, letting them know they came to the right place! 

○ Digitalized x-rays give off 90% less radiation than typical x-rays. 

○ Intro oral camera, (developed by Kodak), shows the patient what we see inside their mouth!!

○ We use the best dental supplies, holistic practice, no mercury fillings.

○ All our water is filtered.

○ Use the highest standard of sterilization.

○ Offer bright smile, a laser whitening system.

○ Offer Invisalign, straightens teeth using aligners.

○ Open Monday thru Friday with Sunday hours!

○ Tell them about our great resource websitehttp://www.nxdental.com

○ Dr. Waltner, specialist in pediatric dentistry, has a great office and is wonderful with children!

● After the Visit 

○ Send a follow up letter to the new patient (letter form is available, fill in patient info on computer and send), personally sign!! 



● Types 

○ Direct reimbursement 

○ No restrictions. 

○ Can see any dentist.

○ PPO 

● Have a list of dentists that give discounts. 

○ HMO 

● We do not take these plans. 

○ UCR 

● Fee for service. 

○ Flexible Medical Spending Amount 

● Given by a job, it is tax free money, it needs to be used by the end of the year otherwise the money is lost. 

● Tell patients that they can use their FMSA at our office.

● Check Insurance 

○ Before a patient’s appointment, check if they are eligible for service. 

○ Call the insurance customer service rep.

○ Ask…

● Are they active? 

● What’s their deductible?

● Maximum?

● How much have they used?

● What is covered, exam, cleaning, x-ray, etc?

○ Get benefits faxed to the office and put into patients file. 

○ For orthodontic coverage make sure that each specific person is eligible.



● The invisible way to straighten teeth using aligners. 

● Our office is an Invisalign Premier Provider. This means we have done over 300 cases (only .01% of certified dentists have accomplished this goal!)

● Process of Invisalign service

○ Consultation 

○ Records

● Are: impressions, x-rays and pictures of your teeth and mouth. 

● Cost around $350.

○ Invisalign records. 

● Deals for Invisalign 

○ Deal #1, One time opportunity, we will match your dollars up too $500, on that day only! 

○ Deal #2, Find a friend for Invisalign and you and they will receive $100 off.

○ Deal #3, Free bleaching with Invisalign.

○ Deal #4, Free retainers with Invisalign.

● Payment for Invisalign 

○ Down payment of $2000. 

○ Offer Care Credit

● An in office financing, payment option. 

● No interest financing on invisalign.

● We will pre-approve them on the spot.

● Carecredit.com (CC ware button on computer), click on pre-approval, submit new pre-approval if they accept offer, do this while patient is with doctor.




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